Painting 3mm miniatures

Painting 3mm miniatures is not exceptionally difficult but it requires methodology. 

Here is what I do:

I first prime everything in dark brown. I am not quite sure why people still prefer to prime in black but I find brown a less harsh base color to work with as a base. Then you splapchop the minis and use contrast paints, et voila!

Here, I used Vallejo's Sick green for my French Nato base colour. It is ugly at first, but as with many painting techniques, one needs a bit faith in the final result.

Then, I painted the four corners of my vehicles with charcoal grey and one diagonal band.

After a 2 years hiatus because of the covid, it seems the club is meeting again so it is a good chance... to buy new figures.

A few units recently painted for DBN in 6mm.

The Empress dragoons (Adler miniatures):

Two regiments of the Young Guard and a unit of British rocket launchers in the background (figures are from Baccus)

I usually spend 30 to 40 minutes painting in the morning before work and focus on applying one to two colors at most during each session.

The Dragoons were thus painted in 1 week and both foot unit together took one week.

I bought these transparent drawers for USD 50. It made my hobby life sooo much better!

All the paints are put where they should be after each finished project and I find them when I need them...

I have reds, yellows, greens, blues, browns, black/white/flesh, metallics, technicals. It just make life sooo good. Really have at a glance what I need and put them back when I am finished. It improved so much my peace of mind as a painter. Never suspected it would have such an impact.

3 games today from noon to 3:30 pm (including set-up), playing British vs French in 6mm.

The rules we used were DBN V2. They play fast, maybe too fast as the first side to lose 4 units (out of usually 12) breaks.

Here is the British artillery in a duel with the French artillery for battlefield dominance. We should have applied the optional rules that makes counter battery fire difficult because once the enemy artillery was destroyed, the game was won.

A couple of rules that I have received recently.

I found out during the lock-down that there are actually many excellent publication on

They also have the benefit to be printed on demand, most of the time close enough to where I live to shipping fees don't cost as much as the book.

The recent acquisitions are

Combat HQ : POD

All Hell Let Loose: POD

Both sets are battalion level (smallest element is a platoon).

I should put up more pictures of my work in 3mm.

Warlord set in UK price: 164.99 GBP

Same Warlord set with their localized price on their webstore: 45,700 JPY = 298 GBP!!!

Same story across all their product ranges.

As it may seem useful for other wargamers entering the 6mm sci-fi field, let's keep track of the manufacturers I could identify:

Vanguard Miniatures:

Style a bit retro

Onslaught Miniatures:

Style specific to the range in a GW way

MicroWorld Games (US):

A bit of everything medium sci-fi

Brigade Models:

Style is minimalistic

Black Earth (EU):

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